Monday, 26 May 2014

Year End Exams

                                                                       Year End Exams

            There are only a few more weeks left of the school year and the students are pulling out their Unit 1 notes to begin studying for the year end final exams at Sulli. The class exams from periods one through five will be held in a total of three days from June 13th, 16th and 17th. June 13th will hold the period one and three exams. On June 16th, the period two and four exams will take place and on school completion day, the 17th, will be when period five exams are in session. The provincial exams however will carry on for a consecutive nine day period from June 18th to June 26th. June 26th will also be the day that the last report card is issued. 

         Within such a short time period the students will need to review their semester two and linear courses notes to prepare for these exams. The teachers will also need to finish any new units with their classes and therefore add to the amount of studying the students are already required to do. Exam time is always a harsh period of time for the students however, because they stress about them far too much. The stress sometimes causes the students to blank out on the actual exam which is the worst thing that could possibly happen. Below, are some links that show how to help cope with the exam stress. It's always difficult for students to study as well, and re-learn everything over a second time, so links for sites on study tips are also posted below. 

Coping With Exam Stress:

Study Tips:

Monday, 19 May 2014


        Yearbooks are on sale once again at Sulli as the school photographers finish up with their long collection of photos within the last several weeks of school remaining. These memorabilia can be paid for at the school office for a fee of fifty dollars, and will be picked up at the end of the year. These books are important memories of our  high school years and it's necessary that at least one book is bought before the end of our glorious five years at Sulli. There have been so many fun events and clubs which even if some of the students are not a part of, there is always that one picture at the beginning of the year that Sulli students can look back at maybe ten years later and tell their children,
"That was me!"
     These yearbooks are an important and, you could say, essential part of our lives which tell us about the years we went through that shaped us into the people we will someday become. There are so many enjoyable moments that we cannot forget and many of them will be in that book. Treasure the time you had when you maybe attended the Halloween Fashion show, or when you helped out Global Issues with Earth week. It doesn't even have to be something incredible. Even that single picture of yourself, will tell you what memories you obtained just by being there with your friends. Enjoy the time now, because you will not be able to do the same after and cherish the memories.
2012-2013 Yearbook

Let the memories of everyone you knew be caught into this book.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The AIM Games

The AIM Games
       On Thursday, May 8th, Sullivan Heights hosted the annually famous AIM Games for the first time. The AIM Games or the Athletes in Motion event that was held on Thursday at the school, was a truly inspiring event where students with disabilities could let go and have fun for a day and play different sports and games such as wheelchair basketball or Bocci. The games had a positive impact on everyone who participated; from the student volenteers to the athletes participating. Students from different schools all over the district came to either play or participate on some way. Introductions were exchanged and everyone there had an amazing experience. It was truly about the positive vibe that spread like wildfire throughout the gym at Sulli. However, the events were not only held at the gym but throughout the school as well. The small gym, lower field, upper field, and dance room were also occupied.
(A poster made by the volunteers for the AIM Games)
      The AIM Games included a BBQ and breaks in between for the volunteers. The most amazing part of the entire event though was the closing ceremony, when all of the winning athletes were given medals for their participation, enthusiasm and a well-played game and a dance that was performed by some of the athletes and volunteers who worked and practiced their routine for seven weeks. It was really amazing to see everyone come together in one place and enjoy everything together. As a community. Smiles and fun times is what really made this event possible. It was truly a moving, positive experience.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Global Issues Earth Week

Global Issues Earth Week

    Last week was yet again another very succsessful week for the Global Issues Club as they ended Earth week with some prizes for our students. Teusday and Wednesdays guest speakers gave excellent presentation on or city's plans to create a greener and more environmental city during the upcoming years for our growing population. One plan they have, is to turn compost into a emission free and non-pollutant gas for our vehicles. They are also planning to put compost bins in every school in Surrey! Teusday's energy conservation day for Sulli was perfectly acheived as half of the lights in the school were shut off to conserve some electricity. Wednesday's walk to school day went smoothly as ever, when students walked the hill or down the block to get to school in an evironmentaly friendly way. Some skateboraded, longboarded, and biked to school. It was really great to see all those students working towards a way to help out our environment. Thursday however was the real ice breaker as students lined up with their reusable water bottles and containers for their lunches to get a free cone of ice cream! It worked out wonderfully because the students were not polluting by using plastic wraps or foil for rheir lunches and instead using reausable containers. On the last day during morning announcements, all of the classes were shown a video on how much waste is collected on just the beaches of our earth. It showed how a group of dedictaed environmentalists go every year to some of these beaches and 'comb' the coast for plastic waste and garbage that was left on or reached the beaches through the ocean. It was sad to see how much waste we could produce but if we worked together like the environmentalists in the video we could collect as much waste as they did. In fact, one of our teachers has a son who works with his wife to clean these beaches in that video. The link can be found below. Friday, also included a raffle draw for the winners of some prizes who helped out during earth week.

     The Global Issues club showed us that Earth Day should not just be one day but everyday. It was really amazing to see what we could do if we worked together as a community so just remember this: everyday is Earth Day.

'Combing the Coast 2013: Rugged Point Provincial Park':

Also, check out this video from the City of Surrey on recycling and waste collection:


Thursday, 17 April 2014

Multicultural Week: Food Day

        Multicultural Week: Food Day

      Last week was multicultural week and it was an amazing week yet again this year as the students played games, watched performances, and ate different foods. The different dishes served were amazing on foods day which was on Wednesday, at lunchtime. There were some samosas and butter chicken. I bought some myself and it tasted delicious. A great recipe for the butter chicken is below:

    It was a really amazing week overall and the food was one of the best parts.

Global Issues Earth Week

             Global Issues Earth Week

     Earth week is coming up this week for  Sulli and Global Issues will be busy busy busy with preparations for the four days! Teusday and wednesday will be offering a an environmental talk with a guest speaker in the library at lunch. Teusday will also include an energy conservation day for the school with prizes in the library at lunch. The day after will be walk to school wednesday and there will be raffles given out. Prizes will be given out at lunch. Thursday will be the famous litterless ice cream lunch where the students bring their lunch in a plastic reusable container and receive a free ice cream! A video on a beach clean-up will be shown in the library as well. On the final day this week there will a plastic bottle display in the hub to show how much plastic we use. During the entire week however there will be a photo challenge for students to take pictures of you or your friends acting for Earth Week.  The photos can be tweeted out using #sulliacts with a sweet treat given to the winners in period 4. It will be a fun week for sure!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Costa Rica

                       Costa Rica

  In a recent article, it was mentioned that some students from Sulli had gone on an extravagant trip to Costa Rica over the break! During my last post I only mentioned a small adventure they had but here are some photos of many more!

A monkey carrying her child on her back.

         Ziplining through the jungles!

                Chillin' at the falls!

  Single file everybody, we're going on an adventure!     

This was one picture they took at the airport.

This was the waterfall that they all went swimming at.

They had a lot of fun camping out as well!

             Time to feed the gators!

     This trip definetly looked worth the plane ride, beacuse we all know how exausting those are! Everyone had a lot of fun and if course, they would love to do it again.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Report Cards

                                                                                               Report Cards

         It is time for report cards once again and the teachers and students are getting prepared to hand in missing assignments, prepare final marks, and test the student like crazy! It's because the report cards will be issued on April 30th, that there are going to be a few busy weeks at school. A lot of the students are studying and prepping themselves for the tests and final marks which will either give them a boost in their allowance, or get them a grounded for a week. The teachers however will be much busier with marking the students papers, assignments, and tests, only to have to add it all up and decide their grade. For students, it's a lot easier to just study and memorize for their upcoming tests and maybe work a little more to hand assignments in, but the pressure can be a bit difficult. I mean, it's only report right? No, actually this report card can affect your final grade in the course your taking so it's time to grab some texbooks and start now. Better late, than never! For classes such as physical education where you can grade yourself for your efforts and learning level, it can be easier on some students but many of them can tend to forget that the teachers can still disagree with what you choose. Those classes mostly teach you how to take leadership and try to be proactive in many different ways. They teach you how to learn and how to take responsibility. So no, it doesn't make it easier when you grade yourself. Report cards are really not that stressful to deal with though, and  I think after this we can take a small breather.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Earth Week at Sulli!

  Earth Week at Sulli!

     Coming up this month, the Global Issues has organized a fun week for the students here at Sulli to help pitch in and help out the environment for Earth Day! Earth week will be a fun active week full of different events the student can participate in. Starting on Tuesday, April 22nd, each day of the week will be dedicated to a specific event that will inform the students about the problems in our environment. Tuesday will start off with a guest speaker in the library at lunch for the first and second day, as well as a bottled water campaign introduced with a 10 minute video which will be shown to the students. Wednesday, will promote an Energy Conservation Day, where the school will shut off as many lights as possible to conserve energy. On the third day, students will be informed on Animal Issues and endangered species as well as a new hunting licence that has been passed by the government. Thursday will also host a fun event in the cafeteria for the students to participate in. Each student will be encouraged to bring in a water bottle and a litterless lunch and recieve a cone if free ice cream from the Global Issues Members. Finally, Friday will be focused mainly on weekly contests and prizes to ve given out as well as the three R's and compost! Throughout the week, students will be given raffle tickets if they are seen walking to school, ecery day of the week. There will be a draw and prizes will be dustributes to the lucky students. There is also a photo contest to enter. Students can take pictures of each other or themselves recycling, composting, or reusing materials throughout the week to create a mural. It will be a fun week for sure! This post will be updated as soon as new changes are made or if new information is recieved.

Spring Breakers!

       Spring Breakers!

      It's back to school after a wonderful spring break which I am sure everybody at Sulli enjoyed, but sadly the relaxing two weeks has finally come to an end. Students had been talking about many of their adventures on some trips during the break and I luckily got the chance to interview some of them. A few teachers at Sulli had been in charge of some school-organised trips. One was to sunny Costa-Rica, and the other to the place everyone loves: England.  I interviewed some students and found out a few interesting things they did on their trip. One student told me about a fun adventure they had to stonehenge during their trip to England. They were able to go inside it and touch the huge stones during a ceremony that was erformed a few thousand years ago to celebrate the earth and peace on it. The ceremony was held during the Spring Equinox as well. Another student, who wen ton the trip to Costa-Rica, told me about a school they had the chance to visit and how they were able to meet and help out the students there. After that they visited a waterfall which they were able to go swimming through. He said that the water was absolutely freezing and how him and his friends would try to see who could last the longest underneath the freezing water! It could be described as somewhat large surrounded by many trees, which were covered in thick, hanging vines. After learning about those amazingly fun trips, I interviewed some other students who had some adventures of their own. One girl talked about her week-long trip to three different states: California, Nevada, and Arizona! She said that the most fun she had, was when she visited the Grand Canyon, but the Hoover Dam and the walk along the Vegas Strip were none-the-less fun. One of my friends had also gone on a trip to Hawaii for two weeks where he had loads of fun. He talked about his favorite adventure, which was boogie-boarding on 11 ft waves at Bellows Beach. Before the trip, he was so excited that he counted down the days. There are many more fun stories where those came from, but many students just relaxed at home sleeping, watching TV, or playing video games. It was overall a fun, relaxing two weeks which everybody enjoyed.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Earth Day Brought to You by the Global Issues Club

Earth Day Brought to You by the Global Issues Club

      On Tuesday, April 22nd is Earth Day, and the members of the Global Issues Club have some big events planned for the entire week starting on Earth Day to help out our enevironment. They are planning to dedicate each one of the four days of the week to an evironment issue. On the first day, they will be having a Bottled Water Campaign to show how many plastic bottles are used by us. A 10 minute video will be shown to students that will inform them on how much, plastic water bottles affect our environment. To enevourage students to bring reusable water bottles to school, the members are thinking about setting up a small area in the cafeteria to give out ice cream to whoever has brought a reausable water bottle to school. On Wednesday, the school will try to shut off as many lights as possible for an Energy Conservation Day. Day three, will focus mainly about Animal Issues and endangered species. The students of Sulli will be informed on many different issues based on animals and how some new laws, such as the new hunting license, which have been passed can really harm the enfangered species of animals and how it can harm our environment as well. And last but not least, Friday will be the day to celebrate the three R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Another twist has been added to this day though because now the members will bot only try to inform the students about these three important factors but the fourth one as well: compost. There have been some ideas which no one is quite sure of yet but it has been discussed that the members will create a mural using a photo challenge to show pictures of students recycling, or cleaning up. Another idea is that there might a speaker coming in to talk more about these issues but it is not yet confirmed. More information will be given on this upcoming event throughout the following weekly updates.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Spirit Week at Sulli

Spirit Week at Sulli
        This week at Sulli, from March 3rd to the 7th, will be Spirit Week! Once again, the students will dress up using a certain theme set for each day of the week. The Grads have also just finished their Grad Spirit Week using various themes for theirs such as Tight and Bright, and Kindergarten Day. This week`s themes will be fun and stylish. On Monday, we will have Plaid Day to celebrate the traditional pattern of plaid. Tuesday will be a more modern look since it`s Shades and Bling Day. Time to get out those Ray Bans and gold watches! Wednesday will be an ever-lasting tradition that will forever be a part of Sulli`s Spirit Week: Formal day. Girls will be slipping on flats or strapping their high-heels while the boys try to dig up their suits and ties. This Thursday, Sulli will also throw out a new theme. Throwback Thursday! I can assure that students will be Instagramming, Tweeting, Snapchatting, and Facebook messaging this day out to everyone. And last but not least, the students will be dressing up in their old Hawaiian t-shirts and shorts on Tacky Tourist Day! Spirit week is a fun time where students at Sulli can have a good laugh.

Featured Article

 Here is a pic of some students last year on Retro Day!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Amazing Race!

                            The Amazing Race!

     It's almost time for Sulli's annual Amazing Race to start once again on the 27th of February. The amazing race competitors have already finished signing up in January and are ready to start. A race against time, the teamates will gather at a certian meeting place on Thursday this week to go through a series of puzzles and riddles. Whoever finishes the fastest will be the successful winner and claim a prize. There are a series of prizes for the first few teams of winners. Although not much information can be given out on exactly what will happen during the race, we do know that this suspenseful and enjoyable race will be a fun event between the students. 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Goodbye Winter, Welcome Spring Break!

             Goodbye Winter, Welcome Spring Break!

          Say goodbye to dreary winter days and hello to spring break! Sulli students are counting down the days until the two week break and are extremely excited for another break. The break will continue from the 17th of march to the 31st. I interviewed a few students on what they had planned over the break and one said, " I'm so excited because I get to go to Hawii!" He was really excited for the break. Only 29 days left! 

Global Issues Upcoming Events!

                     Global Issues Upcoming Events!

     The G.I. Club is planning alot of new ideas that have come up since their last and they are all promising a fun month of february for Sulli's students! First off, the National Cupcake Day bake sale is still yet to be decided due to the fact that the members are looking for someone who has their Foodsafe in order to supervise the bakers. This is mainly to raise money to donate to the SPCA, since they were the ones who created the day in the first place, in order to help animals in need.
     Secondly, since Anti-Bullying Day is coming up, the club members have proposed even newer unique ideas! One of them, is to slip pink notes with quotes or kind words on them inside people's lockers at school! Another idea is to create a 'Pay-It-Forward' game. The objective is to try to compliment as many people as possible when you walk into class, or down the hallways. You can compliment their hair, or shoes, or their shirt! To smile at people in the hallways for no apparent reason other than to just be nice. This is an important day for many people to remember that bullying is a problem and it has to be stopped.

This post will be updated during the following weeks to notify anyone of any new events the G.I. Club has planned at Sulli!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Global Issues Upcoming Events

Global Issues Upcoming Events

      The G.I. Club has some new ideas for upcoming events in february.  First off, the balloon message idea has been cancelled, due to a small debate on how it will impact the environment if they are popped. This post will be updated on monday next week with information on all the other upcoming events.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Global Issues Upcoming Events

       The Global Issues club is planning some new ideas for the upcoming months of the second semester! First off, on Valentine's Day they are planning to set up a small fun event for the day using ballon messages. One quote that stood out to me was, " All you need is love" by the Beatles. It will be a fun event for everyone to get a balloon and write a nice message on it, being able to wear it on their wrists for the day! Another fun event that the club members are not exactly sure of yet, is a bake sale on the 24th of February which is International Cupcake Day! Though the club members aren't sure of anything yet the idea is strongly supported by many students in the club.

       Global issues is working really hard on not only these ideas though, for the upcoming months in the second semester, they are also going to focus on raising money for endangered animals. A couple ideas that were given, were to focus on marine animals or animals being tested. Everyone is gladly working hard to come up with new ideas to get people to realize the issues in the world around us. I will update this post when i have more information on anything new for the upcoming months!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Exams are here!

              Exams Are Here!

        It's exam week and everybody at Sulli is panicking about them. All of the students are anyways. The students are nervously studying and trying to think of new methods that will help them remember the facts they need. Only two more days are left until the 2 day period for exams to finish. Monday, January 20th is thankfully a flex day for some relieved students at Sulli but many are still dreading the double block days yet to come. I interviewed a few students on their perspective of the exams. One said, "I think exams are there to make sure that students don't forget anything even though they already forgot." Another student said, "We don't actually need them because the teachers would just be able to average the marks we received throughout the course. It puts alot of pressure on the students and some of the times they can blank out and forget everything because of all the pressure."

      Some are terrified while others may not be, but I think it really depends on how you study and on how confident you are. There is really a lot of tension in the school when it does get to this time of year though. One thing I have found out though is that it's scientifically proven that if you have chocolate before you take any test, exam, or even a quiz, it will automatically calm your nerves down. The trick is though, "to study smarter, not harder." 

Here I have added some links to help students cope with their exam stress:

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Sullivan Heights Secondary School Exams

Sullivan Heights Secondary School Exams
          It's time to study for semester exams again at Sulli! In about two weeks time, periods one through five will be taking their semester one exams from January 22nd - 24th. the students are nervously and frantically studying to ace the exams and move smoothly into the second semester. as it gets closer to the date, you can actually feel the pressure of some of the students around the school. exams tend to put a lot of pressure on some of the students. quite a few times, a student will study extremely long and hard only to blank out when it comes to actual exam. Sulli's homework club which runs during period five on Tuesdays and Thursdays provides great help as well to those students who are struggling with studying or those who need some help to study for their finals. A piece of advice I can give to those students who enjoy 'studying the living daylights' out of their notes, would be to "Work smarter not harder." - Carl banks.
       I have also conducted a short survey for some students at Sulli about their thoughts on the upcoming exams. For those who haven't filled it out yet here is the link:
       Below, I have attached some links for those who feel pressured by their upcoming finals: