Friday, 7 March 2014

Earth Day Brought to You by the Global Issues Club

Earth Day Brought to You by the Global Issues Club

      On Tuesday, April 22nd is Earth Day, and the members of the Global Issues Club have some big events planned for the entire week starting on Earth Day to help out our enevironment. They are planning to dedicate each one of the four days of the week to an evironment issue. On the first day, they will be having a Bottled Water Campaign to show how many plastic bottles are used by us. A 10 minute video will be shown to students that will inform them on how much, plastic water bottles affect our environment. To enevourage students to bring reusable water bottles to school, the members are thinking about setting up a small area in the cafeteria to give out ice cream to whoever has brought a reausable water bottle to school. On Wednesday, the school will try to shut off as many lights as possible for an Energy Conservation Day. Day three, will focus mainly about Animal Issues and endangered species. The students of Sulli will be informed on many different issues based on animals and how some new laws, such as the new hunting license, which have been passed can really harm the enfangered species of animals and how it can harm our environment as well. And last but not least, Friday will be the day to celebrate the three R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Another twist has been added to this day though because now the members will bot only try to inform the students about these three important factors but the fourth one as well: compost. There have been some ideas which no one is quite sure of yet but it has been discussed that the members will create a mural using a photo challenge to show pictures of students recycling, or cleaning up. Another idea is that there might a speaker coming in to talk more about these issues but it is not yet confirmed. More information will be given on this upcoming event throughout the following weekly updates.

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