Monday, 19 May 2014


        Yearbooks are on sale once again at Sulli as the school photographers finish up with their long collection of photos within the last several weeks of school remaining. These memorabilia can be paid for at the school office for a fee of fifty dollars, and will be picked up at the end of the year. These books are important memories of our  high school years and it's necessary that at least one book is bought before the end of our glorious five years at Sulli. There have been so many fun events and clubs which even if some of the students are not a part of, there is always that one picture at the beginning of the year that Sulli students can look back at maybe ten years later and tell their children,
"That was me!"
     These yearbooks are an important and, you could say, essential part of our lives which tell us about the years we went through that shaped us into the people we will someday become. There are so many enjoyable moments that we cannot forget and many of them will be in that book. Treasure the time you had when you maybe attended the Halloween Fashion show, or when you helped out Global Issues with Earth week. It doesn't even have to be something incredible. Even that single picture of yourself, will tell you what memories you obtained just by being there with your friends. Enjoy the time now, because you will not be able to do the same after and cherish the memories.
2012-2013 Yearbook

Let the memories of everyone you knew be caught into this book.

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