Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Spirit Week at Sulli

Spirit Week at Sulli

               Last week at Sullivan Heights Secondary was Spirit Week and the students dressed up to show their school spirit. Sullivan's students are really big on Spirit Week because they are always excited to show off their school spirit. Monday last week started off with a nice, comfortable, lazy pajama day. Many students participated in this fun dress-up and were more than happy to come to school in their cozy PJs.  Tuesday was even more fun though because it was twin day. There were many students who partnered up with others to dress alike. In fact I saw some students even dressed up as triplets. Though most of the ninth graders missed a chance to dress up like a hipster on Wednesday, because of Take Our Kids to Work Day, the other students didn`t hesitate to dress up for hipster day. Thursday was yet another great hit because almost all of the students wore their Sulli uniforms.

              Spirit Week is a great way to encourage students to have some fun and show some school spirit by dressing up following a certain theme each day of the week. Last year The school had a retro day theme where the students had to show their spirit by dressing up in clothing before the 21st century. There were poodle skirts, leg warmers, as well as some bell- bottoms. It was fun for the whole school and we all enjoyed it. Overall, spirit week is a fun, enjoyable, week where students from our school can show their school spirit by dressing up following a certain school theme every day of the week.

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