Saturday, 23 November 2013

Story of the Week!

Girl saves Lost Dog
          One of own Sulli students was walking by Highland one day when she came across a collarless dog and returned it to its owner. She was walking by Highland with two of friends one day after school and when she said goodbye to them she came across a small dog. her description of the dog was, "It was shorter than my knees, and it had white with grey splotches on its fur and fuzzy ears." The dog did not have a collar or leash on it when she found it and didn't know who to call. She went around frantically knocking on door's and asking whether they owned the dog. She asked two children on the walking by whethe they owned it but they said no, although they did her look for the owner.
         Not long after did a young girl run up to her and claimed the dog. It was truly interesting because if our Sulli student did not find the dog then it possibly could have gone missing. She took a lot of initiative and really tried to help. 

Sulli's Art Club

Sullivan Heights Secondary's Art Club
          Sullivan Heights Secondary's Art Club is currently participating in an annual Surrey's Santa Window walk and will be making small field trips during the next week to paint a beautiful window display to support a charity/ non-profit organization. The Art Club Members that are participating will need to finish their window display this Thursday so it can be ready on the 30th of the month for Surrey's annual Santa Window Walk. There will be many other schools in the district joining to be able to represent and help out the charities. Each school will be given a certain topic (a charity) to represent through their art piece. Sulli's topic is the Surrey Christmas Bureau.

         Everyone is encouraged to do the walk and donate money to charity of the window painting that they voted for. The charity would also be near their window and will be providing many other things such as food, face painting, etc. to make extra money for the charity. The window painting that was like best and had more money donated to the charity would receive a prize and the charity/non-profit organization would receive a trophy. These art pieces will also be judged for the prize that will go to the artists of the painting. The prize will be potentially $500.
         It's a really great opportunity for the students who are engaging themselves in these kind of events to really take a chance to help out and do what they love.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Spirit Week at Sulli

Spirit Week at Sulli

               Last week at Sullivan Heights Secondary was Spirit Week and the students dressed up to show their school spirit. Sullivan's students are really big on Spirit Week because they are always excited to show off their school spirit. Monday last week started off with a nice, comfortable, lazy pajama day. Many students participated in this fun dress-up and were more than happy to come to school in their cozy PJs.  Tuesday was even more fun though because it was twin day. There were many students who partnered up with others to dress alike. In fact I saw some students even dressed up as triplets. Though most of the ninth graders missed a chance to dress up like a hipster on Wednesday, because of Take Our Kids to Work Day, the other students didn`t hesitate to dress up for hipster day. Thursday was yet another great hit because almost all of the students wore their Sulli uniforms.

              Spirit Week is a great way to encourage students to have some fun and show some school spirit by dressing up following a certain theme each day of the week. Last year The school had a retro day theme where the students had to show their spirit by dressing up in clothing before the 21st century. There were poodle skirts, leg warmers, as well as some bell- bottoms. It was fun for the whole school and we all enjoyed it. Overall, spirit week is a fun, enjoyable, week where students from our school can show their school spirit by dressing up following a certain school theme every day of the week.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Halloween at Sulli

Halloween at Sulli
               Halloween at Sullivan Heights Secondary last Thursday, was yet another successful holiday event. Everyone at the school, including the teachers, enjoyed dressing up and were happy to be in the spirit of All Hallows `Eve. The office staff finally revealed their surprise theme as well: Survivor. The annual Halloween fashion show was also a fun event held in the large gymnasium and many people showed up to watch or participate in this exciting event. There were so many great costumes and everyone was so eager to be there. There was no doubt that they were also eager to go Trick-or Treating. In fact one student said, You're never too old for free candy! Halloween is a great holiday where everyone can get together and be whoever they like even if it is just as themselves.
The picture above is of the office staff at Sulli dressed as the survivor teams

              The Halloween candy grams were also a great success and a lot of the students went out during lunchtime to the Hub to buy one for them or their friends. Its definitely a great way to get into the Halloween spirit because nothing says Happy Halloween like candy. Sulli loves celebrating holidays, especially ones like Halloween, and here at Sulli we love Halloween.
Here are some more pictures of the great costumes that day!
Amazing Link and Zelda costumes

Me as the Riddler and Catwoman, Joker, and Penguin!