Sunday, 19 January 2014

Exams are here!

              Exams Are Here!

        It's exam week and everybody at Sulli is panicking about them. All of the students are anyways. The students are nervously studying and trying to think of new methods that will help them remember the facts they need. Only two more days are left until the 2 day period for exams to finish. Monday, January 20th is thankfully a flex day for some relieved students at Sulli but many are still dreading the double block days yet to come. I interviewed a few students on their perspective of the exams. One said, "I think exams are there to make sure that students don't forget anything even though they already forgot." Another student said, "We don't actually need them because the teachers would just be able to average the marks we received throughout the course. It puts alot of pressure on the students and some of the times they can blank out and forget everything because of all the pressure."

      Some are terrified while others may not be, but I think it really depends on how you study and on how confident you are. There is really a lot of tension in the school when it does get to this time of year though. One thing I have found out though is that it's scientifically proven that if you have chocolate before you take any test, exam, or even a quiz, it will automatically calm your nerves down. The trick is though, "to study smarter, not harder." 

Here I have added some links to help students cope with their exam stress:

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Sullivan Heights Secondary School Exams

Sullivan Heights Secondary School Exams
          It's time to study for semester exams again at Sulli! In about two weeks time, periods one through five will be taking their semester one exams from January 22nd - 24th. the students are nervously and frantically studying to ace the exams and move smoothly into the second semester. as it gets closer to the date, you can actually feel the pressure of some of the students around the school. exams tend to put a lot of pressure on some of the students. quite a few times, a student will study extremely long and hard only to blank out when it comes to actual exam. Sulli's homework club which runs during period five on Tuesdays and Thursdays provides great help as well to those students who are struggling with studying or those who need some help to study for their finals. A piece of advice I can give to those students who enjoy 'studying the living daylights' out of their notes, would be to "Work smarter not harder." - Carl banks.
       I have also conducted a short survey for some students at Sulli about their thoughts on the upcoming exams. For those who haven't filled it out yet here is the link:
       Below, I have attached some links for those who feel pressured by their upcoming finals: